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Statement of Commitment for EDGE Champions
The Nigerian Institute of Architects, Abuja Chapter (NIAABC) is partnering with IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, on accelerating the adoption of green building practices through the promotion of voluntary green building certification programs based on the EDGE (“Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies”) software, standard, and certification system (www.edgebuildings.com).
NIAABC and IFC are establishing a framework for greater collaboration in pursuit of their shared aspirations to move the Architecture (and wider built environment) industry on to a lower-carbon, more resource-efficient path.
To this end, NIAABC is committing to catalyze and/or complete at least 5 EDGE certifications in the first year following this announcement. It is anticipated this will account for above 5% of the volume of projects wherein members of the NIAABC are involved during the first year, with a view to increasing this to 15% in year two.
Alternative – To this end, NIAABC is committing to introducing IFC to at least 5 Clients in the first year following this announcement. It is anticipated this will account for above 5% of Clients on projects wherein members of the NIAABC are involved.
IFC has provided NIAABC with an education session on the principles and applications of the EDGE software, standard, and certification system.
NIAABC will promote sustainable design practices, and with IFC jointly present the benefits of using the EDGE software, standard, and certification system at mutually agreed conferences, seminars, and other events, and through papers, articles, or research.
March 2021
On the 1st of April 1960, the Nigerian Institute of Architects (NIA) was founded. Over the years through thick and thin “the institute” as we so fondly call her has flourished and grown in leaps and bounds. This year, 2020 marks a significant turning point in the institute’s history as she clocks the diamond age of 60!
We celebrate this landmark event by showing solidarity to its cause – creating a unifying umbrella for the common good of its membership. We choose to ignore distractions and focus on what is beneficial to the collective of members across all cadres. To this end, we launch the #IAmNIA campaign. The core focus of this campaign is to promote the institute and all those that seek to be positively associated with her. It is our expectation that as we join voices together to celebrate the NIA at 60; we boost her popularity and acceptance among the general public and unify the membership under one banner.
This outward-focused advocacy initiative is designed to draw the attention of the public to the people behind the shaping of how we live our lives daily.
Interested in Participating ? Use the link https://forms.gle/NLjPoPt3C5oBzYVu8
This Initiative is powered by NIAABC